34450A Multimeter 5.5 Digit Dual Display, Benchtop DMM
Multimeter 5.5 Digit Dual Display,Benchtop DMM
Achieve Throughput Breakthrough
Turbo charge your production line with the 34450A digital multimeter. With its fast speed of up to 190 readings per second you can now increase your manufacturing throughput tremendously. Get highly accurate, repeatable and trustworthy measurements with the 0.015% DCV accuracy designed to meet general industrial and educational needs.
Intuitive and multipurpose device
The 34450A is an intuitive and easy to use tool that provides a wide range of measurement functions such as DC voltage, DC current, True RMS AC voltage and AC current, 2-wire and 4-wire resistance, frequency, diode test, continuity, capacitance and temperature. Simplify your day-to-day task with up to 50,000 memory points, allowing you to capture and log up to 14 hours of data. Built-in with histogram and basic statistical functions, you can now do simple data analysis within the unit itself. With its ultrabright OLED dual display, different measurements can be performed ensuring you get the right readings at first glance.
More flexibility with multiple connectivity
Multiple connectivity options such as USB 2.0, Serial Interface (RS-232) and GPIB port provides greater flexibility to connect DMM to a PC for data access and retrieval for analysis. With the option to connect to a PC, this enables the 34450A to work with Keysight Connectivity software and can be controlled remotely via SCPI commands or Command Expert. The IVI-COM driver is also included to ensure an easy integration with different programming environments.
Easy migration
Upgrading your obsoleted DMM is made easy with minimal changes to test program. To ensure both forward and backward compatibility, the 34450A includes SCPI, Fluke 45 or Fluke 8808A commands. Experience a quick, easy and painless migration as it allows you to quickly transfer your existing test programs on the Keysight 34450A.
BenchVue Software (Now included)
Data capture simplified. Click. Capture. Done.
BenchVue software for the PC makes it simple to connect, control, capture and view Keysight's DMMs simultaneously with other Keysight bench instruments with no additional programming.
? Visualize multiple measurements simultaneously
? Easily log data, screen shots and system state
? Rapidly prototype custom test sequences
? Recall past state of your bench to replicate results
? Export measurement data in desired format fast
? Quickly access manuals, drivers, FAQs and videos
? Monitor and control bench from mobile devices
Benefit from a new perspective by visualizing multiple DMM’s at the same time
Display single measurements, charts, tables, or histograms from a single instrument or multiple DMMs simultaneously to correlate trends you might otherwise miss.
Record measurements and export results in a few clicks Log and export data quickly to popular tools such as Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word and MATLAB for documentation or further analysis.
Access and control tests on your DMM remotely With the companion BenchVue Mobile app, monitor and respond to long-running tests from anywhere. Download BenchVue software at no cost today
- GM系列活塞式壓力計
- 臺式液體壓力源
- 臺式氣體壓力源
- 氣體活塞壓力計
- 活塞式壓力真空計
- YS改良型活塞壓力計
- 活塞式壓力計
- 電動微壓標準器
- 氧氣表壓力表兩用校驗器
- 壓力表校驗器校驗儀
- 活塞壓力計數字顯示系統
- 差壓式液位計標準裝置
- 反射式液位計標準裝置
- 空盒氣壓表檢定裝置
- 水箱式液位標準裝置
- 電動微壓源
- 全自動液體壓力源
- 管道試壓壓力天平
- 浮球壓力計
- 全自動活塞壓力計
- 80G超高溫雷達物位計
- 電廠專用四氟高頻雷達物位計
- 側裝磁翻板液位計
- 雷達水位計
- 26G油罐專用雷達液位計
- 26G強腐蝕雷達液位計
- 26G高頻雷達物位計
- 80G調頻雷達液位計
- 80G桿式射頻導納物位開關
- 液位顯示控制箱
- 投入式液位變送器
- 80G纜式射頻導納物位開關
- 桿式導波雷達
- 激光雷達料位計
- 連桿浮球液位計
- 靜壓式水準儀
- 河道浮子液位計
- 26G粉塵雷達物位計
- 26G高溫雷達物位計
- 26G拋物面雷達物位計
- GJM-SHJ型石灰漿液在線密度計
- GJM-JJ型酒精在線密度計
- 便捷式音叉密度計
- GJM-KG型(卡箍安裝形式)音叉式濃度計
- GJM-QFS氫氟酸專用濃度計
- GJM-YS鹽酸專用濃度計
- GJM-LS硫酸專用濃度計
- GJM-YS型鹽酸在線密度計
- GJM-KG型音叉式密度計(卡箍安裝形式)
- GJM-AS型氨水在線密度計
- GJM-XS硝酸專用濃度計
- GJM-NS型尿素濃度計
- GJM-JJ型酒精專用濃度計
- GJM-AS氨水專用濃度計
- GJM-NJ型泥漿專用濃度計
- GJM-YC型音叉式濃度計
- GJM-KJ型礦漿專用濃度計
- 分體式音叉密度計
- GJM-86側壁安裝式液體密度計
- GJM-85管道密度計
- Cat1無線溫度變送器
- loRa壓力變送器(高溫型)
- NB無線液位變送器
- NB無線壓力變送器
- 智能型溫度變送器
- 2088壓力變送器
- 棒狀壓力變送器GJM-YL-01
- 3051壓力變送器
- GNSS自動檢測站
- 風壓微差壓變送器
- 無線雷達水位計
- 無線流量計
- 無線磁致伸縮液位計
- 無線浮球液位計
- 無線差壓變送器
- 靜力水準儀
- 無線溫壓變送器
- NB無線溫度變送器
- 液位變送器
- 油田專用壓力變送器
- 智能一體式渦街流量計
- 溫壓補償一體化渦街流量計
- 插入式渦街流量計
- 智能氣體渦輪流量計
- MF4003/4008微小氣體流量流量計
- 智能一體式電磁流量計
- 羅茨流量計
- 圓齒輪渦輪流量計
- 智能氣體旋進旋渦流量計
- 一體式孔板流量計
- 液晶顯示金屬管轉子流量計
- 就地顯示金屬管轉子流量計
- MF5706/08/12氣體質量流量計
- 手持式超聲波流量計
- 固定外夾式超聲波流量計
- 智能液體渦輪流量計
- 插入式電磁流量計
- 分體式電磁流量計
- 全自動溫度檢定系統
- 便攜式全自動壓力檢定系統
- 全自動壓力檢定系統
- 高精度溫度顯示儀
- 干體式校驗爐
- 溫度檢定爐
- 恒溫水槽
- 恒溫油槽
- 便攜式熱電偶校驗儀
- 便攜式熱電阻校準儀
- 信號過程校驗儀
- 壓力表檢定附件產品
- 血壓計標準器
- 固定式輪滑測斜儀
- GJM-40型數字式血壓表標準裝置 血壓計校準
- 液壓扭矩扳手檢定儀
- 34450A Multimeter 5.5 Digit Dual Display, Benchtop DMM
- DM3058/DM3058E 數字萬用表
- 防爆型熱電偶熱電阻K型PT100裝配式法蘭式
- 萬向型WSS、WSSX系列工業雙金屬溫度計
- K型PT100裝配式法蘭式熱電偶熱電阻
- 徑向型WSS、WSSX系列工業雙金屬溫度計
- WSS、WSSX系列工業雙金屬溫度計(軸向型)
- 焦利氏秤
- 油水隔離器
- 一體化壓力天平
- 燃氣表檢定裝置
- 差壓式液位計標準裝置
- 扭力扳手檢定裝置
- 催化器裝填生命維持系統
- 血壓計智能標準器
- 全自動SF6密度繼電器校驗儀